Smokey Brown Roach
Brown cockroach is a large species of cockroach, winged, and growing to a length of 1 1/4″-1 3/8″. It is brown in color. It is closely related to the American cockroach however is easily distinguishable from it. It has a uniformly dark brown mahogany color. Its thorax is dark and shiny, unlike the light rimmed pattern of the American cockroach. It does well in moist conditions and it seems to be most commonly concentrated in moist concealed areas. It can feed off a wide array of organic (including decaying) matter like most cockroaches, it is a scavenger. It tends to lose more moisture than its relatives and requires water every 2-3 days. It may come indoors to look for food, and even to live, however, in warm weather it may move outdoors and enter buildings looking for food.